2012 - Sitchin's 12th Planet & Cosmic Cycles
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2012 - Sitchin's 12th Planet & Cosmic Cycles
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 22:09:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Gary Voss" <[email protected]>
Subject: Zecharia Sitchin's 12th Planet
To: [email protected]
I believe I may have an answer why Zecharia Sitcin's 12th Planet remains a mystery.
1.) Draw a simple spiral.
Also noted this pattern has been found in rock carvings & paintings throught archeological artifacts & cave paintings & drwings throughout the world, it is the universal symbol of our "spiral galaxy"
2.) Draw a series of cencentrated lines through the center of the spiral.
This is the representation of the "photon band" at the center of our spiral galaxy.
3.) Draw a series of circular patterns following from outwards to inwards of the spiral arms leading to the center.
Like all objects within our universe, everything has motion, spinning on it's axis, to a rotational orbital pattern, our "solar system" as depicted in these series of circular patterns has a cyclical orbit inwards & outwards that follows the path of our galaxy;s spiral arms.
4,) Draw a darkened ring around the center of this spiral galaxy where the photon band flows through.
This represents what is refered to as the "menassic ring" which behaves like a wormhole.
Our planet is a "M" class planet which translates to a planetary body that receives its' heat & light source from a central sun. The "Mystery Planet" is a "C" class planet which receives it's light source from the photon band, which allows for beings that inhabit this planet to take on quite uniqe physiological properties quite different from us! moreover this would explain as to why we don't see it until our solar sytem travels closer to it. Once we get closer towards the center of our galaxy, we will be able to see this enormous planet, however because of it's massive size, it may stop our planet's rotation until it finishes passing by.
It is rather ironic that the biblical mention after the "Rapture" takes place, that we return to our planet for a thousand years of peace. Modern physicists have speculated that if our planet does penetrate the photon band, we cannot exist in our physical bodies inside this cosmic array, moreover some have even speculated that from the Time our planet penetrates this photon band, and exits, would be around a thousand yrs.
I do not believe in coincidences!
Any feedback on my hypothesis from Mr. Sitchin, or anyone who is associated, would be greatly appreaciated.
Best Personal Regards,
---Gary Voss
T.A.P.-T.E.N. Research (International)
From: "Gary Voss" <[email protected]>
Subject: Zecharia Sitchin's 12th Planet
To: [email protected]
I believe I may have an answer why Zecharia Sitcin's 12th Planet remains a mystery.
1.) Draw a simple spiral.
Also noted this pattern has been found in rock carvings & paintings throught archeological artifacts & cave paintings & drwings throughout the world, it is the universal symbol of our "spiral galaxy"
2.) Draw a series of cencentrated lines through the center of the spiral.
This is the representation of the "photon band" at the center of our spiral galaxy.
3.) Draw a series of circular patterns following from outwards to inwards of the spiral arms leading to the center.
Like all objects within our universe, everything has motion, spinning on it's axis, to a rotational orbital pattern, our "solar system" as depicted in these series of circular patterns has a cyclical orbit inwards & outwards that follows the path of our galaxy;s spiral arms.
4,) Draw a darkened ring around the center of this spiral galaxy where the photon band flows through.
This represents what is refered to as the "menassic ring" which behaves like a wormhole.
Our planet is a "M" class planet which translates to a planetary body that receives its' heat & light source from a central sun. The "Mystery Planet" is a "C" class planet which receives it's light source from the photon band, which allows for beings that inhabit this planet to take on quite uniqe physiological properties quite different from us! moreover this would explain as to why we don't see it until our solar sytem travels closer to it. Once we get closer towards the center of our galaxy, we will be able to see this enormous planet, however because of it's massive size, it may stop our planet's rotation until it finishes passing by.
It is rather ironic that the biblical mention after the "Rapture" takes place, that we return to our planet for a thousand years of peace. Modern physicists have speculated that if our planet does penetrate the photon band, we cannot exist in our physical bodies inside this cosmic array, moreover some have even speculated that from the Time our planet penetrates this photon band, and exits, would be around a thousand yrs.
I do not believe in coincidences!
Any feedback on my hypothesis from Mr. Sitchin, or anyone who is associated, would be greatly appreaciated.
Best Personal Regards,
---Gary Voss
T.A.P.-T.E.N. Research (International)
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"Time Has Come Today. . . . T I M E ! "
"Time Has Come Today. . . . T I M E ! "
- nightcat_1111
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Hmmmmm... that *is* an interesting theory....
~looking at my doodles of concentric circles w/ lines~
...and such a familiar looking doodle it is; I've seen it as a symbol/drawing in ancient and modern contexts from the world over... definitely archetypal, the concentric circle...
Does Sitchin ever come here & read? Paging Zecharia...
Wm. Henry -- how 'bout you?
~looking at my doodles of concentric circles w/ lines~
...and such a familiar looking doodle it is; I've seen it as a symbol/drawing in ancient and modern contexts from the world over... definitely archetypal, the concentric circle...
Does Sitchin ever come here & read? Paging Zecharia...
Wm. Henry -- how 'bout you?
"Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer."
--Bruce Graham
--Bruce Graham
Does Sitchin ever come here & read?
Dear old Sitchin is in his mid eighties, yes he his old man and getting quite frail. I doubt he has the energy to be involved in forums any more and that he has other priorities.
T12 you present a very interesting theory would be helpful if you could attach a sketch of your diagram to one of your post.
If history is littered with theses symbol/drawing in ancient times then this is a rediscovery and not a new one. I believe we have lost quite a lot of knowledge over the past centuries, and only just starting to rediscover and understand what the ancients knew.
It is rather ironic that the biblical mention after the "Rapture" takes place, that we return to our planet for a thousand years of peace. Modern physicists have speculated that if our planet does penetrate the photon band, we cannot exist in our physical bodies inside this cosmic array, moreover some have even speculated that from the Time our planet penetrates this photon band, and exits, would be around a thousand yrs.
Revelation 20
4: I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

A bit of research on the importance and significance of beheading might illuminate this passage further for those who are curious. It is interesting to note that the beheaded hold certain significance and power. The Templars were subjected to the rigors of the Inquisition because it was believed they worshipped the severed head of a goat. John the Baptist was also beheaded. With so many powerful severed heads throughout history, it might be worth looking into with verses like this in mind.And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God.
- Pirate
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LadyAmari wrote: A bit of research on the importance and significance of beheading might illuminate this passage further for those who are curious. It is interesting to note that the beheaded hold certain significance and power. The Templars were subjected to the rigors of the Inquisition because it was believed they worshipped the severed head of a goat. John the Baptist was also beheaded. With so many powerful severed heads throughout history, it might be worth looking into with verses like this in mind.
If you negate the head of John the Baptist you negate the seed....which is the feminine aspect
the price of greatness is responsibility
- seattlegal
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dominic777 wrote: If you negate the head of John the Baptist you negate the seed....which is the feminine aspect
This brings to mind Genesis 3:14-15
Bruise His heel--as in Achilles heel--loss of immortality...14So the LORD God said to the serpent:
"Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel."
Last edited by seattlegal on 09-10-2004 01:54 AM, edited 1 time in total.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.
-- Yoda
-- Yoda
- Pirate
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