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Just As We Feared

Posted: 10-21-2024 02:34 PM
by Riddick
When aliens finally do reach Earth, don’t count on β€œlittle green men.” As for flying purple people-eaters... well, now we’re on to something. FULL STORY

Re: Just As We Feared

Posted: 12-07-2024 01:18 AM
by Malaria_Kidd II
Well now! From the mouths of Babes to becoming modern day scientists. We get similar, far out reports just like this one. That would have their long disposed πŸŽ— Sponge Bob Square Pants spinning in it's landfill grave! πŸ˜‚

But it was good cartoonish graphics depicting the One Eyed Flying Purple People Eater. 😎

That was once a great 1960's song too!

MK II πŸ™ πŸ•ŠπŸ 😣 πŸ’™