Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

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Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Riddick » 11-11-2023 11:23 PM

It’s a particularly cruel example of the misplaced priorities of the radical left. FULL STORY
A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 03-16-2024 11:31 AM

The Federalist Community

Start Your Free Trial.....later....πŸ˜‰

πŸŒͺThe FedsπŸŒ€computers can print theirπŸŒ¬πŸ’Έmoney much faster than our Money Mints can find the special paper to print it on. πŸŽ—

What the Hell?πŸ‘Ή

MK II πŸ™ πŸ€” πŸ•Š

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(No?) Currency Urgency

Post by Riddick » 03-16-2024 03:01 PM

Malaria_Kidd II wrote: ↑03-16-2024 11:31 AM The Federalist Community

Start Your Free Trial.....later....πŸ˜‰

πŸŒͺThe FedsπŸŒ€computers can print theirπŸŒ¬πŸ’Έmoney much faster than our Money Mints can find the special paper to print it on. πŸŽ—

What the Hell?πŸ‘Ή
Hell is right. If the American dollar's not worth the paper it's printed on already, it's well on its way to worthless. But Woke Dems don't care. They don't know jack about market economics. They'll tax, spend & inflate us into socialist oblivion -

Illegals first. Citizens last. At this rate, we won't have a currency OR a country. Their may be a chance to put our federal fiscal house on firm footing but only if the electorate throws the bums out PDQ. If not, be prepared for flying fertilizer.

P.S. Did you get to read the article? You can opt out of the trial.
A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 03-16-2024 06:24 PM

Thanks, I will go back to check it.

Riddick wrote, "Their may be a chance to put our federal fiscal house on firm footing but only if the electorate throws the bums out PDQ. If not, be prepared for flying fertilizer."

"I'm ready!" Hi - πŸ™ˆ or Low - πŸ™Š


Some places my posts go and just minutes ago my post was hung up and this bs came again 3 times. I think it likes being copied!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Riddick » 03-16-2024 11:43 PM

I've not seen the error... yet. Don't think Doka's seen it or she woulda said something

How about as a caution you send Fan an email? This kinda thing doesn't get better on its own..The database burping like thjs could get worse.& capsize the ship. Early diagnosis & treatment may save us & Fan a lot of bother

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 03-17-2024 12:19 AM


I did read it and it was banging heads that need banging!

WTH? Tyson foods are reportedly firing all white workers to hire immis?

Whoa! X People that know this are calling for boycotts of Tyson FoodsπŸ™ ... 92006?s=19

One more? Closing Iowa's plant? No!

Tyson Foods Firing All White Employees and Replacing Them With Illegals πŸ˜–

"Good night America how are yah?"
Arlo Guthrie's "City of New Orleans" ... -illegals/

via @realtpv

I will send it to Fan. Does a note to the link above via webmaster go right to him!

The pc will be used since this tablet is not set up for mail.

MK II πŸ™ πŸ€” πŸ•Š

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Riddick » 03-21-2024 11:35 PM

Malaria_Kidd II wrote: ↑03-17-2024 12:19 AM I will send it to Fan. Does a note to the link above via webmaster go right to him!

The pc will be used since this tablet is not set up for mail.
Fan is the man who gets all messages emailed to the webmaster link.

That said, go ahead & PM him as well. I sent him email today after you FB'd me about SUBMIT not working for you. Tho you've been able to post since, it's still concerning. He's usually quick with replies but he may be busy so patience over panic is called for.

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 03-22-2024 01:20 AM

Thanks Riddick! It's odd that it was to just one of us three? Let's hope FAN can work it out. :wink:

Doka had just posted and my reply her way failed to get to Oregon, as strange as it was. :confused:

BTW I remember that you posted FAN's e-mail but I can't find it sitting at the right pc with that capability.

Please send it again and I can delete it here.

MK II :?

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Riddick » 03-22-2024 02:21 PM

Malaria_Kidd II wrote: ↑03-22-2024 01:20 AM Thanks Riddick! It's odd that it was to just one of us three? Let's hope FAN can work it out. :wink:

Doka had just posted and my reply her way failed to get to Oregon, as strange as it was. :confused:
Never fear, Fan's been here! After what he's done & you clear your cookies & cache or go incognito with any luck you'll find your problem has gone bye-bye for good.
Malaria_Kidd II wrote: ↑03-22-2024 01:20 AMBTW I remember that you posted FAN's e-mail but I can't find it sitting at the right pc with that capability.

Please send it again and I can delete it here.
Rather than that, how about this: go to the Lifeboat & make sure you can log in. If you lost your password, use your malariakidd handle or email address to reset it -

Consider it a worst-case insurance policy - if it comes to that the FF goes down, and for whatever reason you don't have it, it'll be everyone's go-to place for Fan's email, but not for off-brand arousal assistants.

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Re: Blue States Take Funds From Disabled Americans To Subsidize Illegal Migrants

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 03-22-2024 10:37 PM

Riddick wrote.......

"After what he's done & you clear your cookies & cache or go incognito with any luck you'll find your problem has gone bye-bye for good."

That's great news from FAN and yourself included. πŸ˜‰

I just wing it on a daily basis, sorry.

πŸͺ πŸͺ ?🏺? At the very least I know how to hide. πŸ˜‚

MK II πŸ™ πŸ€” πŸ•Š

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