I Thought I Had Proof That Most Tiny White Orbs Can Cloak! Thanks Riddick!! Fixed!😎

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Malaria_Kidd II
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I Thought I Had Proof That Most Tiny White Orbs Can Cloak! Thanks Riddick!! Fixed!😎

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 12-06-2024 04:48 AM

:!: Hmm? Few can come to a final conclusion about what the tiny white orbs actually are.

Those tiny white orbs can cloak/hide at will as seen since November! It was likely play time from the locals but many may have been the real Right Stuff!😎

Ref Riddick's pc skills: See one 10-12 foot diameter craft large enough for a skelton crew being flown by these pilots you know so well, or not!😁
πŸ‘½ πŸ‘½

Watch this local video of a sparkling sphere morph smaller at the end. These πŸ“²catches had the visible craft hovering over a grass covered SW IN USA lakes bank.

I can't get that one to load here like I did on the above UK based page.

Attn Sir Riddick! I need your help finding that July 4, 2021 You Tube video you made for me all in your private code.

Please put it all here for us. For some reason my PM page lost all three and I never planned to delete them!πŸŽ—

Trying again from Faceplant! Actually Facebook πŸ˜‚

Finally my search worked if you are a member! I've been at it for over 30 minutes and theπŸ”ŠπŸ›beds calling☎me now!😴

By pass this....0 craft fail #4!πŸ˜‚

're edited for corrected content

MK II πŸ™ πŸ•ŠπŸ πŸ˜” πŸ’™
Last edited by Malaria_Kidd II on 01-16-2025 11:37 PM, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: I Have Proof What Most Tiny White Orbs Really Are. But I Need Riddick's Help!!

Post by Riddick » 12-06-2024 10:21 AM

A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL

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Malaria_Kidd II
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Re: I Have Proof What Most Tiny White Orbs Really Are. But I Need Riddick's Help!!

Post by Malaria_Kidd II » 12-06-2024 03:40 PM

πŸŒ πŸ•Ί β­•βœ”πŸŽ– β­•βœ”πŸŽ– β­•βœ”πŸŽ–πŸ§€

Thanks Riddick!

Here's a PENSKE award for your win🍢for our combined, worn into a mixed frazzle, having racing minds trying to figure out more secrets about what those speeding white orbs could be!

"What are they?"
I think in most cases they are cloaked, small craft showing their exuberant, timeless love for plasma!😘

Now if we can just figure out their morphing crafts hat tricks!
βœ¨πŸ‡ 🎩 πŸ‡

We could heat our homes safely and free with endless, plasma energy!

Myself, WI Badgers and IN Hoosiers and all arriving here today will appreciate your kind skills working your magic at this Fantastic Forum!

Edited: The craft still hovering releases another orb that becomes the large glittering sphere. I'd not seen that longest clip in a good while. So orbs may remain a mystery and my idea is probably not correct. Aw, corn shucks!πŸ˜”

Best, MK II πŸ™ πŸ•Š

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