Some geneticists believe a hard limit of around 115 years is essentially programmed into our genome by evolution. OTOH, João Pedro de Magalhães, a professor of molecular biogerontology at the Institute of Inflammation and Ageing at the University of Birmingham in England, thinks differently.
He has scrutinized the genomes of very long-lived animals such as the bowhead whale (which can reach 200 years) and the naked mole rat. His surprising conclusion: if we eliminated aging at the cellular level, humans could live for a millennium—and potentially as long as 20,000 years.
If aging is programmed, scientists could theoretically reprogram our cells by tweaking genes central to aging. This would require technology we don’t presently have, but Magalhães thinks scientists can develop therapies for aging, an endeavor to which he has devoted his career. “I want to cheat death,” he says bluntly.
How Old Can Humans Get?
Moderator: Super Moderators
Re: How Old Can Humans Get?
Earth Humans are just not meant to stay here for long. In reality we already are immortal, but who in their right mind wants to "Stay" on this mud ball , when you. Can personally fly amongst the stars. Or what ever you choose.
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire
Away From It All
It may be well worth leaving just to get away from living on the Net & its propagandizing social media donchathink?
A mind should not be so open that the brains fall out; however, it should not be so closed that whatever gray matter which does reside may not be reached. ART BELL
Re: How Old Can Humans Get?
The promise of a new body, with no pain, catches my interest at the moment. Some of us are even aware of our own longing, to "GO Home",
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire
Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire