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13 Slightly Nutty Facts About Squirrels

Posted: 04-21-2022 12:47 AM
by Riddick
If you don't already appreciate squirrels here's some fun facts that may help you understand how special these furry creatures really are. LINK

Re: 13 Slightly Nutty Facts About Squirrels

Posted: 04-21-2022 10:06 PM
by Malaria_Kidd II
Thanks, Riddick! I knew about most and those 13 were interesting to know and 1 was very spooky about the Russian black squirrels varied diet! :shock: OMG!

"Never get out of the boat! Never get out of the God damn boat!" ref a tiger near the river bank in "Apocalypse Now". Another meaning could be, "Don't get stoned out of your mind in a city park teeming with attack squirrels!" :oops:

Here's my true example about how curious any fox squirrel can be. When we returned home from Sunday church two squirrels were under our SCANIA's full load of white oak veneer logs.

There was no wood floor in our modified TRANSCRAFT log trailer. As I parked the car I mentioned our little visitors to my family. My thought was what if one or both jump up into the trailer to investigate those parallel stacked logs. Hmm!πŸ€”

Seconds later with the five of us looking on, one jumped straight up into the dolly legs and up again onto the main steel I-beams! Seeing that full on interest, I wanted it to head for the top log around 11 feet high. In a flash it was on the rear end of the top log!😎

🐿Then it scurried up to the large butt and stood up for at least 5 seconds on the front facing white oak! It must have been so unnatural for it to experience a tree's elongated bark laying sideways among 30 a-like piled big logs! And me with no camera while laughter erupted from our 5 person peanut gallery.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I ran in for a camera and got to the log rig just as the most curious fox squirrel jumped down. But at least I got their picture together in the grass on the other side.😘 πŸ’Ž 🐿 🐿

MK II πŸ‘

Mid-West Pride Haul, Union 76, Carefree, Indiana 1989:

Heck, I once, just by mere chance again, saw my stationary load of Tennessee domestic veneer white oak logs on The CBS Evening News with the late Bob Shieffer!!😎