Trying to controll Political Bloggers Again?

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Trying to controll Political Bloggers Again?

Post by sayntbrigid » 05-17-2005 10:49 AM

How Much time do we have left to speak?
How long will it be before we cannot even share this information on message boards?
What should we DO about it?
What CAN we do about it?

I posted this somewhere in a thread, then thought it should maybe be its own topic.
Last edited by sayntbrigid on 05-17-2005 11:14 AM, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Linnea » 05-17-2005 11:20 PM

Great topic, sayntbrigid. We'll have to wait to see where this is going. So far, there has been interest and support of the protected free speech of the internet. Are political blogs kinda like 'editorials' in paper media? We should keep our eyes on this issue.

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Post by fabzilla » 05-18-2005 03:58 AM

Keep doing what we do and believing in the message we spread.

If we are to be "martyrs" for taking our path of resistance to this shrine of materialism and fabian parasites, then so be it. It must be done.

One way or another the voices will be heard and will remain intact, take a look back through history for a long list of examples, some of the greatest minds of philosophy were enemies to the state and silenced as such.

A mytho genesis is on the rise.


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Post by mudwoman » 05-18-2005 04:16 AM

fabzilla wrote: If we are to be "martyrs" for taking our path of resistance to this shrine of materialism and fabian parasites, then so be it. It must be done.

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Post by sayntbrigid » 05-18-2005 04:52 AM

I was wondering, does anybody know, in the case of such an event, would a ( free "members only" ) access to blogs or message boards protect our freedom to communicate online about these issues? Trying to think and plan ahead a bit.

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Post by fabzilla » 05-18-2005 05:00 AM


I think you could do a parallel comparison to the establishment of a “smokers’ club and find the answer. Probably not, and if it were allowed under this guise, it would be a more effective and centralized way for them to monitor and ‘watch’ individual groups of individuals entertaining thoughts and ideas that do not necessarily fit the agenda of the controllers. Either way it is a catch 22, although this move would be completely Un-Constitutional and probably give a boost to the cause. But then again that in its own would draw more to a centralized position and bring forth another avenue for them to insert their ambitions upon.

Go down the long list of red flags… Ridge, Waco, etc, etc.

Not to be dark, but it is reality.



Let me add this....

A cut from this piece…

When Democracy Failed - 2005
The Warnings of History

by Thom Hartmann

“Today, as we face financial and political crises, it's useful to remember that the ravages of the Great Depression hit Germany and the United States alike. Through the 1930s, however, Hitler and Roosevelt chose very different courses to bring their nations back to power and prosperity.

Germany's response was to use government to empower corporations and reward the society's richest individuals, privatize much of the commons, stifle dissent, strip people of constitutional rights, bust up unions, and create an illusion of prosperity through government debt and continual and ever-expanding war spending.

America passed minimum wage laws to raise the middle class, enforced anti-trust laws to diminish the power of corporations, increased taxes on corporations and the wealthiest individuals, created Social Security, and became the employer of last resort through programs to build national infrastructure, promote the arts, and replant forests.

To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours."

Now we know that the depression and much of this period was supporting the agenda of the few, and as seen today, their agenda is still in tact and running us all into the grinding wheels of the machine.

Have hope and faith in each other and our capability as individuals to join ourselves to prevent this goal from being achieved.

Last edited by fabzilla on 05-18-2005 06:55 AM, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sayntbrigid » 05-20-2005 04:00 PM

Yup Fab, I have hope: I'm sure there are people who are among the wonderfull and amazing members of this message board keeping an eye on this situation, and I know those with the access and the know how will do their best to keep our messages alive, I pray for their success.

Last edited by sayntbrigid on 05-20-2005 04:02 PM, edited 1 time in total.

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