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Universal SAH Webring Name change

Posted: 12-03-2003 03:40 PM
by Terry Groff
Hello all,

In case you don't know, I was recently made the new ringmaster of The Universal SETI@Home Users Webring. I have subsequently changed the name to The Universal SETI/BOINC Webring in keeping with the current transition of the SETI@Home project to the BOINC platform.

If you have a website that supports SETI and /or BOINC then you are hereby invited to Join this ring.

This is not a SETI team so there is no need to leave or join any team to participate. Of course it's Free to join


Join us

NOTE: WEbring is currently moving to a new server so if you try to join, and can't, just wait a day or so and try again.

If you need any help don't hesitate to contact me
